TheJudiciary is organizing the first-ever Memorial Day for former Chief Justice, Hon.Justice Benedicto Kagimu Mugumba Kiwanuka, later this month (September, 2018).
Themaiden memorial event is to take place on September 21, 2018 at the KampalaHigh Court grounds, which doubles as the headquarters of the Judiciary.
On theday, it will be exactly 46 years since Hon. Justice Ben Kiwanuka - Uganda's 4thChief Justice after Uganda’s Independence - was forcefully kidnapped from hischambers at the Kampala High Court building by state agents of the Idi AminRegime; and he has never been seen again.
TheChief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart M. Katureebe, recently appointed a Committeechaired by the Deputy Chief Justice (DCJ), Hon. Justice Alfonse ChigamoyOwiny-Dollo, to coordinate the arrangements.
TheCommittee membership has selected judges, registrars, members of theadministration, and representatives of Uganda Law Society and the UgandaJudicial Officers Association.
Hon. JusticeOwiny-Dollo said during the preparatory meeting that allJudicial Officers, members of the legal fraternity, plus other high-levelguests will be invited to the public lecture.
Amongother things, an official bust of the fallen Chief Justice, is being made byMakerere University in commemoration of Hon. Justice Ben Kiwanuka, to bepositioned as a permanent monument at the Judiciary headquarters.
Two-timeChief Justice Emeritus, Hon. Justice Samuel W. Waako Wambuzi, will give thepublic lecture in honour of his departed predecessor.
Hon. JusticeKatureebe announced during this year’s New Law Year event that the Ben Kiwanuka Public Lecture will,effective this year, be an annual activity and one of Judiciary’s officialevents.
About Hon. Justice Ben Kiwanuka
He isremembered for having been a selfless defender of human rights and rule of law;for which he paid the ultimate price. Prior to his Judiciary assignment, Hon. JusticeBen Kiwanuka was an eminent Ugandan politician, who was instrumental in theprocesses leading to Uganda's attainment of its independence from colonialistsin October 1962. Born in 1922, he was a chief Minister of Uganda's SelfGovernment (1961-62) and was also Uganda's First Prime Minister (March-April1962).
Posted 3rd, September 2018